Our Higher Purpose

The emo project is dedicated to making a difference. Anything you download/buy through this blog gets a commission. iTunes gives us a 5% commission, but we will give 3% to charity. Basically, we are going to give more than we get because it makes us feel good... so all songs downloaded through us earn 3% of what you pay for charity, and anything else bought from advertisements here we pledge 60% of our commission to charity. Let's give back! The more you buy, the more you give to charity.
So, if you make a habit of coming through this blog on your way to iTunes you'll be making money for charity... its huge.

1) Bookmark this blog.
2) Every time you browse/buy on iTunes, just come through here and click on any iTunes link, then buy through that portal.
3) ABRA-KA-DABRA!! 3% of your purchase will go to charity through us! Yeah for sharing!

Mix of the Week

Bright & Shiny icon A homegrown mix featuring the best of Owl City, Lights, Stacy Clark, etc... Amazing!
Napster, LLC- Juhll_Napster_manphones_30k_111808_728x90


Lenka... like chocolate


What's so laid-back you can sleep on it, has trumpets, and melodious all over?... Lenka!
Thanks to a great friend and music scout, Uzi we present Lenka.
You're in for some delicious ear massage when she sings. Its an indie/jazz/xylophone party in your ears... and don't worry you'll be singing right along. Its so smooth its chocolate.

Australia's tinkerbell
Currently streaming (for free) the whole album at music.aol.com!!!!
Touring the West Coast.
Lyrics deep as the ocean.

"The Show"
"Gravity Rides Everything"

Lenka - Lenka - The Show

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