Our Higher Purpose

The emo project is dedicated to making a difference. Anything you download/buy through this blog gets a commission. iTunes gives us a 5% commission, but we will give 3% to charity. Basically, we are going to give more than we get because it makes us feel good... so all songs downloaded through us earn 3% of what you pay for charity, and anything else bought from advertisements here we pledge 60% of our commission to charity. Let's give back! The more you buy, the more you give to charity.
So, if you make a habit of coming through this blog on your way to iTunes you'll be making money for charity... its huge.

1) Bookmark this blog.
2) Every time you browse/buy on iTunes, just come through here and click on any iTunes link, then buy through that portal.
3) ABRA-KA-DABRA!! 3% of your purchase will go to charity through us! Yeah for sharing!

Mix of the Week

Bright & Shiny icon A homegrown mix featuring the best of Owl City, Lights, Stacy Clark, etc... Amazing!
Napster, LLC- Juhll_Napster_manphones_30k_111808_728x90


Jamestown Story... news


Girls with boyfriends like this.

Jamestown Story
The new generation of Dashboard

"You're Going Down"
"Hold On"
"I Miss You"
Jamestown Story - The Prologue - EP - You're Going Down (feat. Ryan Wickard)

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